Midterm Elections: What Will Happen If The Democrats Win The Midterms?

The midterm elections are today in New York and many people are looking to get others to vote. Some are writing speeches or organizing protests.

Some of the Democrats are doing well in the midterms. So Republicans are starting to get worried.

Youtubers and celebrities are trying to get people to vote. For example, Liza Koshy is handing out t-shirts that say “voting is easier than marching”. Other celebrities are trying to get people to vote like Leonardo DiCaprio who tweeted about and Taylor Swift who urged her fans to register in October. As well as Oprah, who did a speech about going out and voting and is going door to door trying to get people to vote.

Many people think the election will wash over easily but in my opinion that is not true, this is a crucial election especially for the Republicans because they might lose grip of the USA House Of Representatives and the Senate if Democrats win. It is also essential for the Democrats because if they win they will have a stronger grip on what is going on and avoid things like other travel bans or building a wall where it is not needed.

In conclusion, everybody that is an American citizen should go out and vote this is one of the most important elections and we all have to vote. So go out encourage adults to vote! (Because students can’t vote).





2 Comments on "Midterm Elections: What Will Happen If The Democrats Win The Midterms?"

  1. We are watching with hope to see what happens over there.

  2. Let’s see if your prediction is correct.

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