Advice Column

Table’s Crush Issues

I have a crush on someone and I think she likes me and we just text. I wanna like get closer and talk to her more. She is not in my class From, Table Dear…

What to do if you’re a big procrastinator!

The Advice Column has been receiving many responses regarding homework and procrastinating, here’s an example, Dear Charlotte and Sunny, What is your best piece of advice for someone like me who does not have a…

Me’s Relationship Problems

Dear Charlotte and Sunny, I like someone but I don’t think they like me back even tho we send hearts to each other. And if the person likes me, we don’t talk that much so……

Asking for a friend

Dear Charlotte and Sunny, What should I do when my friend doesn’t seem to want to be my friend anymore? -Asking for a Friend Dear Asking for a Friend, If what your saying is true,…

Anonymous Boy Troubles

Dear Charlotte and Sunny,  what can you do when boys think you like them just because you are kind to them. – Anonymous Dear Anonymous, as a boy, I think you should tell them that…

Anonymous Albert

Dear Charlotte and Sunny, How can I learn more about what students are interested in? -Anonymous Albert   Dear Anonymous Albert, Cool name! I think your students would be happy to know that you want…

Dear Sunny and Charlotte…

This week we got a question from a student about how they had a group of friends last year because their best friend was in it. Then, their best friend left the country. This year…

Dear Lovestruck…

Dear Charlotte and Sunny, What should I do if I like someone but I don’t know they like me back? -Lovestruck Dear Lovestruck, I understand what your concern is. You’re too scared to ask because…

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